Saturday, February 22, 2014

Finally! A lifestyle change that actually works

I just have to say, I feel AMAZING!

I am finally on the road to good health without going through some fad diet.

To finally find something that works is incredible.

And it's all too easy!

In just under 5 weeks I have lost 11kg. I still have another 5 weeks of the 10kg challenge and I know I will reach my goal of losing 18kg.

My health coach is such an amazing support and has educated me so much about food, my body and the importance of moving. note I said moving.... Not flogging your body at the gym 3 hours a day. All I have to do is walk and I LOVE it!

I had my measurements done today and photos swill try and post the photos later but for the record

Start date:  21/1/14
Chest: 113cm
Abdomen (belly button): 121.5cm
Hips (widest point): 122.5

Today: 22/2/14
Weight: 93.5kg
Chest: 107.9kg
Abdomen: 100.6cm
Hips: 107.5cm

So happy with that. Lots of people are noticing and I have so much more energy. I am rally setting a great example for my kids and my husbands very proud. most of all, I am so happy to be putting the time into me again.

Look forward to sharing the next  big result with you.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Every walk is a walk in the right direction

I have upped my exercise this week. It is only Wednesday and I have already managed to get 2 walks in a day the last 3 days.

I have downloaded an app called Runkeeper. You've probably heard of it. I am finding it a great motivator. So far I have completed over 33km this week. Wonder how many Km I will clock up by Sunday.

I am noticing differences in my face and I am really looking forward to doing measurements at the end of the month. I know there will be some losses. The scales read 108kg so I am now 6kg down.

It is my son's baptism on November 3rd so I am really hoping that I am at least down to 104kg which will mean 10kg lost.

Still so far to go, but I have to break it down into small steps to be successful.

My ideal weight would be 65kg. So from my starting weight, that is a whopping 44kg to lose. It sounds huge. It is huge.

Monday, October 7, 2013

'The fat friend, mum, wife, work colleague, family member' syndrome.

The last couple of days, I have wondered how I am perceived by people, especially those who know me. Whether it be friends, family, work colleagues.

Do people see me as a failure as I am someone who has regained weight they had previously lost?

People in the public eye are so quickly judged for putting back on weight that they have previously lost, and not only by the media, but also the general public.

I feel lucky that most people who know me personally have not judged me (well if they have, then I am none the wiser). I have lost a friend here and there and often wonder if it is because I no longer fit in with their lifestyle. Maybe they didn't want to have a 'fat friend'?

I suppose what is more important is the perception I have of myself. I guess that is the only perception I have control over.

I have talked about 'body dismorphia' before and I have suffered with this greatly. I never really saw myself being as overweight as I was. I pictured my clothes to look different on me to what they actually did, etc.

Taking photos has certainly been a reality check to it all but really I need to change my mindset.

I know I am overweight obese at the momentm but I now am very clear that I don't want to be anymore. I want to be seen by others as healthy. I want to see myself as healthy.

I don't want to be the fat friend, the fat mum, the fat work colleague, the fat sister, etc anymore.

I have started again and no one can take that away from me. I have lost a total of 5kg (1kg down this week) and no one can take that away from me. I can't shout it out to the world yet as it is a tiny blimp in the scale of my weight loss required to be healthy but its all a step in the right direction.

Friday, October 4, 2013

I'm back!

And I'm 110kg.

I need to start this blog up again.
It keeps me honest.
A lot has happened since I last wrote.

I had a baby 6 months ago. I gained more weight post pregnancy than I did during the pregnancy. I just got in the habit of sitting on the couch with my baby and eating high calorie food to give me energy to get through the day after sleepless nights. Take away McDonalds, hot chips, chocolate biscuits, doritos were a daily food group.

I am still breastfeeding and my little man is showing no signs of weaning so I really need to eat well for him.

I'm going to post a photo in a minute that scares the living daylights of me.

My 4 year old took it. It disgusts me but I needed to see it. It was taken 1st September and I was 114kgs. I was considering weight loss surgery. My mum even said I was probably an ideal candidate.

The last month I have been exercising and eating much better than I ever was.

I have some goals. I will blog about them later. But now its time for the reality of where my journey is beginning from.

I never want to look like this again.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Summary of last week

Made big changes. Felt amazing and am so proud of my efforts as they paid off....

On the scales! YAY!

I am down to 92kg so that is a loss of 3kg!!!!!!!!

Very proud!

I pushed out 20Km total on the treadmill last week spread over 4 x 40minutes sessions  (5km each session)!

I ate well. Healthy. Clean. I said no to bad things and replaced them with healthy and yummy alternatives.

And tonight when I didnt want to exercise as I was hot ans tired, I did it anyway and beat my PB time and completed 5km interval training in 38min and 12sec!

Cant wait to see more success!

Monday, January 2, 2012

Measuring up!

So today was a great day.

I did lots of great things.

1. Ate a healthy breakfast
2. Drank lots of water
3. Did 5Km on the treadmill and then 10minutes on the spin bike (my legs were dead)!

4. Wrote out a good list of things to do to kep me busy when I feel hungry
5. Didn't eat fastfood
6. Said no to chocolate cake and icecream!

I also took all my measurements today:

Chest- 110cm
Waist (smallest part)- 99.5cm
BellyButton Measurement -115cm
Hips- 116cm
Thigh (widest point) - 73.5cm
Calf (widest part) - 45.5cm
Upper Arm (widest part) - 38.5

Will measure at the begginning of each month and weigh in every Sunday (weekly).

Wanting my SPARKLE back!

It's been a while.

I lost my sparkle....
But I want to find it again!

Life has gotten in the way of me blogging.
Not always in a bad way, but a way that has made me time poor.

So it's been almost a year...I have worked full time the last year, planned a wedding, GOT MARRIED! YAY and put on weight (no point hiding anymore).

New Year's Resolution for me last night was to spend more time on myself. That means look after myself and spend time doing what I love doing and that is writing.... it keeps my hands busy and away from putting food in my mouth! So expect to see more of me from me (I want you to actually see less of me as I shed some weight)!

So before I show you some wedding photos, I must tell you that I am the Queen of weight gain and have managed to put on record amount of weight in the last year. I yo-yo'd my way through the year and ended up getting back up to 95kg (just weighed myself). That comes from getting a coffee and 2 hashbrowns from Maccas every morning before work, eating a cheeseburger in the car on the way home from work, constantly eating all the lollies from my lolly jar at work and drinking wine almost every night! Awful habits really but I am here, being honest and wanting to change them.

Here is a picture of me taken a week a go at Sea World on the Gold Coast, Australia

I feel pretty disgusted with myself.
My life with my husband is suffering as I have no self-confidence and hate him being near me as I hate my body (sad face) so that all needs to change. We both deserve more and so does my daughter.

So tomorrow I will:
1. Get up, eat a nutritional breakfast and drink water
2. Put on my joggers (look like exercise, feel like exercise)
3. Take my daughter to the parkand run around withher and burn some calories
4. Eat small portions of low calmeals - no bread, no butter.
5. Not stop at any fast food restaurant
6. Drink no alcohol
7. Make a shopping list of the good stuff!
8.Finish the day with a 30 minute walk on the treamill.

Sounds like a plan!

But on another finish off this blog are some pictures of me on my wedding day (below).

I was 84kg that day. I have put on 11kg since the 1st September (exactly 4 months). That is terrible!!!

But I loved my wedding day and I want to add that Sparkle back into our lives that I had on the day.

Looking forward to the year I get it back and sharing my journey with you all!